I met a friend for coffee a few weeks ago and she told me about a big, exciting idea that she has for a new business venture. She was so excited that she could hardly slow down to take a breath. She …
How Do You Work with Someone You Hate?
I’m currently working with a contractor that drives me batty. Everything they do and say rubs me the wrong way and as a result, I’m losing confidence in their ability to be effective. They’re …
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How to Remove Frustration and Invite Connection
I thought I was dying. The pain in my arm had been there for days and even though it was my right, not my left, I still worried about heart attack, blood clots and other terrible conditions. After …
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Break Free from the Mommy Wars
Over a decade ago, I made a choice to leave my leadership position and successful career behind to stay home full time with my children. Many of the women I met at Mommy and Me told me I could never …
Paying Dues at Work or Investing in the Future?
As a leader, many would argue that they're paying bills daily. I hear it from clients all the time as they talk about paying their dues at work. I had a strange experience today that got me thinking …
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One Bad Experience
Today was a great day. There was a huge rainbow over the town in the early morning and after school my son found a $50 note on the ground. We were having such a lovely day, I decided to take the …