It's that time of the year again when Americans get focused on all that we are thankful for in our lives. Thanks to social media, the call for gratitude scales on a global basis. Clearly, you don't …
Looking for Fulfillment? Just Google It.
Google, long ago, ceased to just be a company name and is now a verb. Want to know something? Just google it. It's all there, at our fingertips 24/7. It's amazing, almost anything you want to know …
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Ditch the Stress; Choose Gratitude
Like you, I have a lot going on between work, family and personal commitments. I've let myself go deep in the frustration and aggression that the stress so easily brings out in me. I even started …
Stop Planning Your Life and Live It Instead
Raise your hand if you like to have all the answers and have things all planned out. I hear it all the time from friends and clients and it sounds like some variation of this: I’ll work for five …
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How to Live a Meaningful Life
What if today was your last day? What if it’s going to be tomorrow? How can each of us make the most of our lives today instead of waiting for the “right moment?” …
Charitable Giving 2013 Challenge
I, like many of you, am fitting in a few more charitable donations in the last moments of the year. I gave to a few charities consistently throughout the year but there are far more I meant to donate …