I know many leaders that believe that you should maintain a healthy distance from your team. You know, not get too involved on that icky, uncomfortable “personal level.” Those same leaders believe …
Change in the Rules – Learn to Shift and Thrive
Were you a know-it-all that now knows nothing? Same game, different rules, happens all the time. Just the other day, the kids, my husband and I went to a local park to practice some footy and …
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Leaders: Is Your Team Bored and Just Along for the Ride?
Whenever we get in the car, my children have about a 20-minute limit before they start to ask the dreaded “Are we there yet?“ question. It’s dreaded because clearly, we’re not there, or even close, …
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Are You a Leader that Pushes Creative Limits?
Imagine, you’re doing your job day in, day out, and after a while you get a little bored (shocker) and decide to shake things up. You want to know what happens when you change your process flow. You …
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Mind the (Expectations) Gap
When I was in college, I studied for the summer in London. It was a fabulous summer filled with great books, tons of theatre, travel and adventures with friends. Our flat was right down the street …
How to Make People Quit & Get Rid of the Competition
I have to say, once or twice, I’ve worked for people who must have tried to get me to quit. Unfortunately for them, I’m dedicated, a hard worker and am not one to easily give up. Still, maybe others …
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