Sound familiar? One day you are working in your business and enjoying every moment. It’s fun, energizing, exciting work that lights you up and brings out yourClea best. Then, it seems like over …
Your Choices Create Change
I’m going home for the first time in a year. After countless hours spent on FaceTime, I’m going to get to hug my parents, kiss my nieces and nephews, see friends and enjoy simply being present in the …
7 Leadership Dos and Don’ts From Telemarketers
Today, when my phone rang, and I saw Private Caller pop up on my caller ID, I knew who was calling – yet another telemarketer. Instead of listening to my gut and just letting it ring, I picked it up …
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Change in the Rules – Learn to Shift and Thrive
Were you a know-it-all that now knows nothing? Same game, different rules, happens all the time. Just the other day, the kids, my husband and I went to a local park to practice some footy and …
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Mind the (Expectations) Gap
When I was in college, I studied for the summer in London. It was a fabulous summer filled with great books, tons of theatre, travel and adventures with friends. Our flat was right down the street …
How to Make People Quit & Get Rid of the Competition
I have to say, once or twice, I’ve worked for people who must have tried to get me to quit. Unfortunately for them, I’m dedicated, a hard worker and am not one to easily give up. Still, maybe others …
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