I know many leaders that believe that you should maintain a healthy distance from your team. You know, not get too involved on that icky, uncomfortable “personal level.” Those same leaders believe …
Are You a Leader that Pushes Creative Limits?
Imagine, you’re doing your job day in, day out, and after a while you get a little bored (shocker) and decide to shake things up. You want to know what happens when you change your process flow. You …
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Getting Back to Business as Usual
I’ve sat down at my computer several times this week to write a new post. Willing myself to take my mind off of the Boston Marathon bombing and refocus it on my clients, writing, networking etc. …
Acting Lessons for Leaders in Search of Authenticity
Great news! You've been promoted and are now leading a large division with a series of teams that fall into your area of responsibility. Before today, you were managing a team where everyone was your …
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5 Reasons Well-Intentioned Leaders Still Miss the Mark
I was honored when Stephen Lahey recently interviewed me for his Small Business Talent Podcast and we talked about leadership, entrepreneurship and what it means to Break the Frame. It was a great …
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Eye to Eye with the New Boss
I had a great job. I was responsible for not only executing on some interesting and fun work but also I was tapping into my creativity daily and reporting directly to the business line SVP. He was a …