It feels easier to lie sometimes than tell the truth, doesn't it? After all, you're being kind, sparing someone's feelings. You don't want anyone to think you're a bad person or someone that isn't …
How to Navigate an Uncertain Future
I get asked all the time how long my family and I will be living in Australia. Most people are surprised when I answer with what I know today; a contract end date. Is it possible we’ll stay longer …
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How Can I Stop Being Afraid to Rock the Boat?
In the early 90's, I was two months into my first big post-college job working for a major consulting firm. I was excitedly waiting for my first assignment and had recently finished my six week …
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Personal Leadership: Thrive in Ambiguity
Today, I'm filled with far more questions than answers. I keep sitting with the same questions turning them over and over, researching the answers on Google for hours on end, and waiting for my ah-ha …
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Change: When Life Feels Like a Broken Record
I called an old friend the other day and instead of catching up on what's new, important or exciting in our lives, she was stuck playing the same old broken record. Her amazing life, overshadowed by …
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Leaders Build Bridges Not Walls
It's easy to fall into the comfortable pattern of categorizing everyone and everything because it helps us to make sense of the world. Those people are smart, those are my people; those people are …