When do we learn to lie to spare the feelings of others? How do we come to the point that we are unable to be honest and open or straightforward and caring? Why is even positive, constructive …
Leadership: The Pitfalls of Waiting for Perfection
Leaders: We’re going to be waiting an awfully long time if we’re waiting for perfect. As a fellow perfectionist, I know that I am always tempted to do more or practice more, or add more or analyze …
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How to Live a Meaningful Life
What if today was your last day? What if it’s going to be tomorrow? How can each of us make the most of our lives today instead of waiting for the “right moment?” …
Leaders Are Centered, Not Self-Centered
Who knew? A few months ago, when I caught myself buying into all of my woes and pains, as if the world was conspiring against me and me alone, I learned a powerful lesson that reminded me of what …
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Calling All Future Leaders: It’s Time To Make a Decision
Twenty years ago, I started in my first real job out of college as a Change Management Consultant for a big consulting firm. “The Firm” taught me how to think, how to speak, how to dress, sent me to …
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6 Keys to the Art of Saying No
Are there people in your life you’d like to say no to? Are you always saying yes even when you don’t have room in your life for more commitments? The solution: Practice the Art of the No. Like any …