I know that it probably comes as a shock to most of you that I am not Angelina Jolie, but I do have something in common with her. I carry a BRCA gene mutation that significantly increases my risk of …
When Leaders Lie
When do we learn to lie to spare the feelings of others? How do we come to the point that we are unable to be honest and open or straightforward and caring? Why is even positive, constructive …
Leadership: The Pitfalls of Waiting for Perfection
Leaders: We’re going to be waiting an awfully long time if we’re waiting for perfect. As a fellow perfectionist, I know that I am always tempted to do more or practice more, or add more or analyze …
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Personal Leadership Mantra: Make 2013 the Year of the Stretch
I’ve been driving a car since I was 16 years old. That first summer I was in a few very minor fender benders and my parents quickly let me know that I was forbidden from driving after dusk. I’m …
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