I went to the hardware store this week and bought a few things including three hooks to hang on my wall. When I got to my car, I glanced at the receipt, and noticed I was charged for three and then …
Big and Scary Is All in Your Perspective
My phone was ringing early this morning. I knew it had to be important, so I picked it up expectantly. "Hello?" My husband lovingly gave me a warning: "I don't want you to be shocked when you …
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30 Excuses to Kick to the Curb
It's easy to have a great idea that lights you up. It's much harder to go after it and make your idea your reality. It takes commitment, confidence and creativity but it also takes a boatload of …
Part Two: Diagnosing and Fixing Broken Leaks
You and I are clearly not cars but we still suffer a great deal of wear and tear in the daily grind of our lives. Oftentimes, work feels like a road riddled with potholes and life, the equivalent of …
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Part One: Diagnosing and Fixing Broken Leaks
The other day I ran out over lunch to take care of some errands and noticed that the car parked next to me was leaving a sizable puddle of oil. I briefly wondered if the owner knew how much it was …
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Leadership Fail: Move it! Faster! Now!
We had just left the kids' classrooms to head to the car when the rain started to fall. The drops came so slowly at first that I wasn't even sure it was raining. With each step, more drops began to …
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