Can you relate? I woke up this morning and realized that the drip of milk that was left in the container would hardly wet my child's cereal that I threw into a bowl approximately five minutes before …
Looking for Fulfillment? Just Google It.
Google, long ago, ceased to just be a company name and is now a verb. Want to know something? Just google it. It's all there, at our fingertips 24/7. It's amazing, almost anything you want to know …
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Learn to Laugh and Let it Go
Stress can get the best of us even when we think that we've got it all under control. In fact, that's probably when our stress is at the highest, when we want to give the illusion of perfection and …
The Trap of Checkbox Leadership
Way back when I was acting more, I would know my lines cold, go deep on my character and truly focus on my relationship with all the other characters. I know I was a good actor based on feedback and …
How to Move Forward in the Face of Fear
My husband said "don't look out your window!" but it was too late - I already saw something move out of the corner of my eye. My head immediately snapped to the window and I was looking face to face …
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Watch Your Language
When my family and I moved to Australia from the USA we knew that there would be differences in our accents, but I don't think we realized just how different our lexicon is too. In fact, we were …