It’s Independence Day in the United States and barbecues, celebrations and fireworks will last throughout the long weekend. Our family is excited to be home and it reminds our children that, despite …
The Blame Game
This weekend our house was full of little children, parents and grandparents, all convened to welcome our family back home for our visit to the USA. A fly on the wall would confirm that there was …
Clear the Dust Off of Your Passion
Sound familiar? One day you are working in your business and enjoying every moment. It’s fun, energizing, exciting work that lights you up and brings out yourClea best. Then, it seems like over …
Your Choices Create Change
I’m going home for the first time in a year. After countless hours spent on FaceTime, I’m going to get to hug my parents, kiss my nieces and nephews, see friends and enjoy simply being present in the …
7 Leadership Dos and Don’ts From Telemarketers
Today, when my phone rang, and I saw Private Caller pop up on my caller ID, I knew who was calling – yet another telemarketer. Instead of listening to my gut and just letting it ring, I picked it up …
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Leaders Have Feelings Too
I know many leaders that believe that you should maintain a healthy distance from your team. You know, not get too involved on that icky, uncomfortable “personal level.” Those same leaders believe …