As I approached my car from a distance, I silently cursed. The car parked next to me looked like it was so close, it was questionable if I’d be able to open my door. Imagine my surprise when there was more room than I’d anticipated because that car didn’t have a side-view mirror. In fact, both side-view mirrors were missing.
I feel like I know a lot of people that, if they were cars, their side mirrors would be missing too. They refuse to look back. “Never back, only forward,” they say. There are a gazillion quotes about never looking back. Take two seconds, and Google will be happy to oblige you with countless options. However, understanding what’s behind you and moving forward are not mutually exclusive. In fact, I’d argue it’s imperative.
The car parked next to mine was not safe on the road. You have to be able to look back to move forward.
I get it. It’s a car, and when it’s moving, it’s most often in one direction, forward. Like you, a car is designed to move from Point A to Point B in drive, not reverse. Still, think about the purpose of those mirrors…
You need to see what’s behind you.
What if you want to change lanes, and a car is zooming in your direction? What about the other critical purpose of those mirrors? They are there to help illuminate your blind spots. Parallel parking? Backing into a space? You need to see what’s behind you and hidden from sight to reach your objective.

A Guide to Look Back to Move Forward with More Passion, Purpose, and Productivity
It’s the end of the year and the end of a decade in a few weeks. Before you leap into your planning and goals for the next quarter, year, or the next ten, give yourself an hour to look back. Find a quiet space, grab a piece of paper, your journal, or Evernote, and settle in to look back to leap forward.
Way to Go!
What were my biggest successes last year? Personal and Professional.
Did I take the time to celebrate?
What did I learn from each one?
Me at My Best
When did I feel at my absolute best?
What project made me so engaged time flew by?
Did I invest time and energy into a passion? (Something that I love to do just because)
What moment stands out as the pinnacle? Elaborate: Where were you, who was there with you, what were you doing, etc.)
What five words describe me at my best?
Wish I Could Do-Over
Did I let myself down?
What did I think would be great, but fell flat?
What can I learn from that experience?
This year, what did I avoid that I should have embraced?
How and when did I hold myself back?
Which relationships needed more time and attention than I gave them?
What dreams did I put on hold? Why?
10,000 Foot View
Where did my time go? / How did I allocate my time?
Did I put down my tech enough?
Did I meet the goals I’d set for myself?
Was I consistently being the person who I want to be?
How often did I believe in myself?
Did I set effective boundaries?
Am I leading my life or running on a hamster wheel?
What one change do I most need to make now?
Change happens when we understand not only where we’re going but why and where we came from. Pretending we should never look back does not serve as a powerful springboard to move forward – learning does.
Don’t be like that car, driving around with broken mirrors. If you haven’t looked in yours for a while, your time is now.
Here’s to a successful and happy year ahead. If I can ever be of support to you as you look back and move forward, let’s talk.
Just the right words at the right time – as I ask the BIG question about what’s next? And yes, please, with some passion, productivity and purpose. I have this enormous gift of freedom to use, invest, spend time in any way that I want.
Easy? Not really because there are so many possibilities, choices and opportunities. So here I go but not without using your “Settle in to look back to leap forward” suggestion. It may not be a leap. Just a step or two in the “right” direction will at least get me started. Thanks, my friend.
Hi Alli,
Great title for this post! It captures an irony that we live.
Your list outlines many opportunities to learn from our past. I love your dual focus on what we did right vs. learning from mistakes.
From my life, I would add:
– What are all the things I feared that turned out to be nothing? It’s a great way to prevent stagnation in the future.
– When did I let other’s views of me detour my progress? And then don’t do that again 🙂
– Knowing what I know now, how would I describe me back then?
Excellent post Alli that I think you will be able to re-post on social media in the New Year too!!
Will share …. Kate
I agree that to move forward and plan for our next crossroad, we always need to take time to reflect on the good and the not so good from our previous year. All of your questions are so helpful especially:
“When did I feel at my absolute best?”
“Did I let myself down?”
At the end of a year I always try to acknowledge my wins and understand my losses or disappointments. Not using excuses but rather being truthful of how I could have done things differently.
Thanks for helping us get ready for the new year, Alli! Will share!