We all know someone with a pair of favorite jeans in the back of the closet “just in case they fit again.” No thought given to changing style trends; they’re there, taking up physical and mental space. For me, it wasn’t jeans in the closet but a house in Virginia.
Nine years ago, my family and I moved overseas. We tearfully packed away our six-year-old son’s favorite train table and polar express train, and we promised our nearly nine-year-old daughter that her trundle bed would see a lot of action when we returned. TVs from before the flat screen era, tchotchkes, and treasures were all boxed and stored. We whispered promises of a return.
We also said goodbye to friends and family and told them we’d return to our Virginia-based lives in two or three years max. We planned to move back into our family home and temporarily welcomed renters.
Over the years, we’ve moved in and out of apartments and sold homes. Usually, you sell one and move into your new one – letting go and moving on. Simple. This time, with our family home in Virginia, we physically moved out and mentally pressed pause.
This was the house where we celebrated birthdays and brought our baby home from the hospital. We can still hear echoes of our children’s joyful giggles as we look at old pictures. Truth is, if we flung open the front door tomorrow, we wouldn’t be stepping back in time with our young children in tow. Giggles have given way to more mature laughter, our kids older, and our lives not what we imagined when we signed on the dotted line to purchase our dream home.
There is no pause button in life, no freeze-frame. You can take your time, but you can’t stop time.
For nine long years, we told ourselves we would move back into that house. Today, we signed a contract to sell it.
Here Are the Most Important Leadership Lessons I Learned from Selling A House
I thought that selling my house would be a transaction; that’s it. After all, it’s a financial asset. What was unexpected was the emotions and anxiety. However, the best part, besides selling quickly and for a good price, was what I re-learned in the process. It’s easy to be so busy with managing day-to-day tasks that you forget some of the most important leadership lessons. Selling my house was a great reminder.
There is no going back.
People in varied circumstances imagine going back – to a company where they once worked, to an old flame or old house. What’s often forgotten is that time does not stand still. You change; the people and organizations you’ve left have also changed. Old memories do not mirror new realities. A return could be better or worse, but never the same.
An idealized past should remain there – in the past. Even if you return, you’re starting a new beginning from today, not picking up where you left off.
That safety net may not be serving you.
I’ve coached people who left the security of their company jobs to be their own boss. Some of them made the transition, and others did not. However, almost all of them imagined that if it didn’t work out, they’d go back into their old positions or at least into the fields they left behind. Imagine how things would be different if you closed the door to your past and embraced your present? What would that mean? How would that change your mindset?
When you leave an old door open when opening the next, all it does is create a draft.
The value you put on memories is not the market value.
Our daughter told us not to take less than a million for our family home. We broke the news to her that we’re not in that price bracket but appreciated the thought. Our memories are not what people are paying for when they buy our house; they’re priceless. Similarly, when moving from one company to the next, people want your experience but not the constant sharing of fond memories from the past. Every organization is different and what worked in one is not a perfect fit for the next. If you’re starting every other sentence with “where I used to work…” and droning on for ten minutes about what made it so wonderful where you used to be employed, stop. (The same holds for a new romantic partner too.)
Focus on where you are and cherish the memories of where you’ve been without constantly comparing them.
Staging sells.
Our house was empty once the renters moved out, but we hired a stager. We wanted to help people imagine what it would be like to live there instead of staring at empty walls and freshly vacuumed carpet. On the flip side, other homes on the market looked like the owners lived in them for 25 years and had so much clutter; that there was no room to picture anyone else in the space. The bones of the house, in both cases, didn’t change, but the way buyers experienced them did. Like a new home, people around you notice how you present yourself before discovering the nuances of your personality that take more time to learn.
You can be authentic and curated. Be thoughtful about how you present yourself to the world and the impact that you have on others. Don’t forget that relationships start with superficial attraction but flourish on a deeper level.
Your partner matters immensely.
My husband and I have worked with real estate agents we’d never recommend even to our enemy. This time, our outstanding agent reminded us of the impact of working with someone who’s not only great at their job but enjoys what they do. When you interview for a new position or find yourself drifting towards a new social circle, think about who will surround you. Will they bring out your best or worst qualities? Inspire you to push towards your goals or coast?
The people around you either inspire you to be and do your best, or they don’t. You deserve to have the greatness in you energized by those closest to you.
Good enough exists.
If you’re a perfectionist, I know you’ll hate this one. Are you someone who believes you could always do more? Never satisfied with the final product? When you’re selling your house, you have to learn to be comfortable investing in improvements with a close eye on ROI. You could spit on a rock and polish it for ages, but it will never be a mirror even if it shines more brightly. Our house looked amazing by the time we got it ready for sale. If we lived there, would we have done more? Not going to lie; we probably would. Should we have done more? No.
Develop an awareness of the point of no return and recognize when you’ve done as much as you can without doing more than you should for the circumstances.
Decisions bring peace.
Whether it’s selling a house, changing jobs, or moving on from or into a new relationship, thinking about the change takes a lot of energy. It’s stressful. Sleep suffers, work suffers, and you’re caught in the in-between. When you finally decide, that’s it. Do you know what happens next? Peace. Not every choice needs to be forever but moving in any direction, being brave enough to step into an unknown future, brings calmness and clarity and opportunities that were out of reach in the indecision zone.
There are few things in life that can’t be undone. Don’t let fear of making the wrong move paralyze you.
My husband and I settle on the house next month and are now, after nine years, letting go of the “if it doesn’t work out in Australia, we always have that house in Virginia” mindset. Don’t even get me started about all of our belongings still comfortably resting in climate-controlled long-term storage. We’ll get there. One step at a time is what gets you across the finish line.
Could today be the day to toss those jeans and buy a new pair that makes you feel fabulous just as you are? You deserve to step into the present instead of waiting to fit back into your past.
I’ve gone through this in the last year and can totally relate! For me, I was selling my in-laws home that they had lived in for 25 years. As a life long military family, that was an extremely long time for them to live anywhere. It wasn’t my home; but, I was trying to preserve someone else’s memories. In addition to picking good partners in helping us to sell, we had to decide what was moving, what was selling, what was going to other family members, what was being donated & what was being thrown away. In the middle of that, both of my in laws had medical issues (my father in law died after the house was up for sale but before it was sold). It was an incredibly heart wrenching time. We made some errors; but, we had to make decisions quickly and knew that there would be errors. Thankfully, the process was mostly smooth, even though hectic and stressful. Congratulations on a successful step in a different direction than what you had planned. Thanks for sharing the great lessons you learned.
What a challenging time it must have been for you. So much going on beyond selling a home like it’s just cash for a house. It’s amazing how memories live in the corners of our physical walls. Letting go of the house and holding on to the memories sometimes feel like it’s ripping us apart. I can’t imagine going through moving, selling, and divvying things up. I’m sorry to hear that your father-in-law died and never saw the house sold. Great that the process was mostly smooth for you. For us, we did our best to remain calm but the $$$ added up quickly and choices had to be made.
Appreciate that you shared your story here.
I loved your post Alli! You nailed it! Going back to what was a past experience is never the same. During this pandemic we need to have the mantra that “we are returning to a new future” and let the past be just that. Things change and I can sense how hard it must have been to say goodbye to something you kept in your back pocket as an insurance policy but ultimately would never be part of your future. Here’s to your bright and continued journey!!! Terri
Nope. Going back can never be the same. We need to step into the future even when we return to where we’ve once been. The pandemic is a perfect example of holding on to past memories while also letting them live where they belong – in the past.
Thanks for your well wishes for the future! Back at you!
Hi Alli,
Some of your wonderful tips apply to buying your first home too — and where were you and your great post when I was looking to buy my first home (ha ha 🙂
I love your “good enough exists” and decision making brings peace. Come to think of it those two tips are about life itself not just house buying/selling.
Your wisdom reaches beyond every post you write Alli and I am always on my learning when I read yours.
Home buying and selling teach us a lot about patience, resilience and so much more. Glad that most people don’t do either one often! I think all of these lessons apply to our personal and professional lives. It’s usually in the course of living our lives that the greatest lessons are learned. Will be very happy when we settle in early September and can breathe a little easier.
Thanks so much!
This rings the bell! Having bought and sold more houses/homes than I care to admit, (9) and rented just as many, I believe we learned something every time. Anxiety reigned supreme when we made a mistake. We bought a lakefront condo in northern CA and after 18 months we wanted out of both, both the condo and CA. Fortunately we sold it a few months later for what we paid, so at least we didn’t lose our shirts, only our minds. We also bought and sold 8 RV’s of every size and price, one almost twice as expensive as our current house. Those RV’s are kind of like small second homes, although on wheels. I was fortunate to have a house or housing allowance provided with a number of jobs and that ease the pain somewhat. Love your “good enough” lesson. You may recall I have a blog with the title, “When is good enough good enough.” Invest the proceeds of the sale wisely and when the time comes, you’ll be in a good position, not only financially but mentally too.
Thanks, Gary. With every move we learn not only how to buy and sell but incorporating those lessons into our lives. It was interesting buying in Australia as a visa holder. Glad we did it before the pandemic. In the end, we didn’t love being landlords. We always thought of it as our family home and it was hard to see how tenants chose to treat it. It was time to let it go. Excited for the next people who will live there and make their memories.
RV is such a lifestyle! My sister-in-law used to have an RV blog. Love that it works for you to have a home on wheels for your adventures!
I do remember your article! If anyone who stops here on Break the Frame is interested in your piece When is good enough good enough? Here’s the link: https://garygruber.com/when-is-good-enough-good-enough/
Hey there! Thanks for sharing the link. You are a great supporter of others and I am glad to have you in my network of friends. Best to you and your family for the next chapter. G/
We sold our house and moved to Arizona this year…so I totally get how hard it is to keep perspective while cherishing memories. The more I reflect back on those “wonderful years in our home,” the more I realize how easily reality can be contorted into something that doesn’t even remotely resemble real life. Memories can conflate with fantasy…and that doesn’t make the transition an easier.
My favorite paragraph was this: “You can be authentic and curated. Be thoughtful about how you present yourself to the world and the impact that you have on others. Don’t forget that relationships start with superficial attraction but flourish on a deeper level.” Like with everything, knowing how and when to separate the fantasy and superficiality from real life is truly where we’ll find our growing edge.
You’re right, LaRae. Our memories are snapshots and rarely take in the whole picture. My son is doing a memoir writing assignment for school and described a time he was in the hospital and I was by his side. He wrote about his small room and the doctors too. I mentioned that it was a shared room and there was another patient and his mother, and none of the medical staff spoke English (we were out of the country) and they needed to find someone to explain his discharge and diagnosis to me. He had absolutely no recollection of that. Our timelines and details diverged but the core of the story remained.
Well said by you – to learn to separate fantasy from real life is where we’ll find our growing edge.