It’s a big thing on the internet, picking one word to guide your life and leadership in the year ahead. For me, one word is a lot more do-able than a laundry list of resolutions that fade within weeks.
Resolutions are pressure. Words? More specifically one word for the year ahead? That feels more like a lighthouse in the dark.
Do you want to lose weight? Go to the gym more? Get promoted? Start a business? Close your business? Those are all great goals that can translate into resolutions but one critical thing is missing. These are all WHAT goals. What do you want to do? What do you want your results to be?
A single word can set the tone for who you want and need to BE regardless of what you want to do. It always comes down to your way of being. The what, your goals and aspirations matter, they do, but your mindset is what will get you through the rough times.
Selecting one word for the year? It’s all about who you are no matter what. When things are going your way or not, you are still this. It is still present within you and there for you as a resource to call on any time you need it. Your word (or words) can help you find your way forward even when things are tough.
A few times over the past decade, I’ve picked a word to set the tone for the year ahead. I’m not going to lie and say that it guided my every move, but it did serve as a reminder for who I want to be and how I want to live my life. In fact, for the past several years, it’s been one word, embrace.
Embrace is still key for me in both my life and personal leadership. However, I’ve spent time in recent weeks looking towards a new decade. The look forward was predicated on a look back, reflecting on my past. As a part of that process, a new word has emerged for 2020, and that’s flow.
Why Flow?
Ease came to mind, but I don’t expect things to be easy, they rarely are. My mind moved from ease to flow. As my word of the year, flow is about going with the flow, finding flow, and creating flow from places of resistance.
Is something difficult? What would flow be like? Feel like? Where can I create some flow? What am I doing that’s blocking flow within me?
Someone making me irate? Breathe and flow. Why let them steal my joy?
Holding back? Got to go all in to find the flow and dive deeper into the creative process.
If there’s a word that can keep me in action, filled with ease and embracing an open mind and open heart, it’s flow.
What’s Your Word for 2020? Not sure? Here’s Some Advice:
I loved a recent piece from Gary Gruber pondering what word he should pick for the year ahead. I firmly believe that no matter what word you choose, it’s a starting place and an intention. You’re not going to make custom t-shirts, and business cards with your word emblazoned on it. You should feel it within you, that’s what matters.
Here’s my advice for finding your word for 2020:
- Think about what you want more of in your life.
- Consider what you’re resisting.
- Who do you need to be? What do you need to call forth within yourself?
- If your word isn’t giving you the energy you need, pick another one that does.
- Don’t stress that you need to get it right. Whichever one resonates with you in this moment is the right one.
- If the one you land on doesn’t work for you in practice, change it.
- What if you picked more than one? People play with one word but there are no written rules that say you can’t have two or three.
- Let yourself go from the pressure to pick the perfect word, and one will emerge. You’ll see.
I invite you to join me if you need more flow too. I’d also love to hear the words that resonate with you. What do you need more of in your life? What word will set the tone for your year ahead?
You are most “kind” and “generous” and I have considered those two words for my one word for 2020. As I said in my post, why not two words, a parallel of a pair of numbers, 2020. You “inspire” me to “think” and there are two more words. They are everywhere. I so appreciate your suggestion for me and may well land on WORD for my word. Oh my word! BETTER worked well for me for 2019 so I want one that will work as well or better for 2020.
Cheers, my friend.
Can’t wait to hear what you settle on and how it propels you throughout the year. Thanks for getting me thinking and reminding me that this is a useful exercise for all of us.
OOH Alli .. a word challenge for the New Year. Thought-provoking and a nice push for everyone.
The first word that came to my mind for 2020 was “step.”
– When I am unsure, I take a small step to see what’s ahead that could clear up my doubt.
– When others are in need, I step toward them.
– When I am seeing other’s dreams unfold, I step back for a better view and to expand my understanding.
– When I see others leadership forays, I step a bit to the side to collaborate vs. dominate.
– When I want to make my dreams come true, I step forward into the light.
Your posts are always a nudge and this one was a punchy one. Love it.
Lovely, Kate! Step sounds like a powerful one for you and sets the tone in so many different ways!
Here’s to a happy and successful 2020 filled with meaningful steps and connections.
I love your word challenge for 2020! It’s always great to reflect on where we are headed and how we will approach the new year. The word I would choose is “intentional”. I think being able to be intentional in every goal I set and decision I make can keep me focused in the direction I want to head. Hopefully it will prevent me from wandering into areas that may not get me to my destination.
Thanks Alli for a fun but helpful exercise for the coming year! Will share!
Intentional. Fantastic. It’s easy to float along until we realize we’re far from where we wanted to be. May your word, intentional, keep you focused in both heart and mind on what matters most and the choices you make.
Resolutions are to-dos (and we all have a lot of them), while a word is a be-do. Glad it works for you too.
Launch – that’s my action word for 2020. Launch my revised website – launch my new book – launch a new online leadership development course. 2020 is going to be an outstanding year. Wishing you and your family the best that life has to offer. I always look forward to reading your posts Alli
Launch! So much energy behind that word. You could have chosen “new” or “next” but it’s launch. It definitely brings to mind the image of a rocket launch and its’ immense power and reach. Looking forward to your 2020 and the year of launch! Thanks, Brian!
Empowerment – That’s seems to be a tough concept in Government, but employees need to feel empowered–that they have some control of the destination of their ride. I plan on giving unprecedented empowerment to my employees and focus on nurturing them to be better. I want my word to have a positive effect on them as professionals.
Reading what you wrote here I couldn’t help but smile thinking about your employees. We should all be so lucky to work for someone who makes empowerment a priority. You’ve given me a terrific reminder that the words that we choose to guide us may influence our thoughts and actions but in the end, it’s about our impact on others. Everything we do is in the context of our relationships. Thanks for leading the way with empowerment!
I love this approach to the New Year! My “one word” for the past decade has been “gentle”. Each year, I set my intention to be even more gentle in my entire world – with my staff, my friends, my neighbors, the person that may not be giving me the best possible “customer experience”, my family, myself, and everyone else.
Thank you for giving this idea a wider audience. Wishing you a lovely 2020 flow.
That word resonates with me for sure. I actually think it is a part of the way I think about flow too. There are no sledgehammers when there’s flow, it’s being gentle with ourselves and others. Thinking about the word gentle in the way you’ve framed it is by no means weak or meek but filled with peace, respect and strength. Thank you for sharing here, Terri!
This is a great article, Alli, and it’s got me to thinking about a decision I made this year—pull back on coaching. Not sure where that will propel me for next year but I realized that, at this time in my life, I wanted to write. I’m not sure where it will take me BUT I enjoy each day because who knows what will end up on the page in front of me! So the word “write” is where I’m headed in 2020…
All I can say is we need a catch-up, my friend. Your words hit home. I look forward to each word you write and I’m looking forward to more of it in 2020.
“Time” is my word for 2020. Am I spending time on matters that are urgent and important? Am I spending time with family and eliminating distractions so I am really listening? Am I finding the time to workout, cook nutritious meals, and get enough sleep to be at my best everyday?
I love it, Ron. Time is powerful. So many people live as if it’s an unlimited resource but we still only get the same 24 a day. We can either waste them or choose to use our time in meaningful ways. Here’s to a happy, healthy, and successful 2020 with time well spent!
Wonderful post Alli! Your words of wisdom seem to arrive in my in box right when I need them the most!
My word is “wellness”. I am dealing with a number of ongoing challenges and I figure the only way I can effectively meet what life throws at me next is to be healthy and well.
Warmest festive season greetings to you and your family, and all the very best for 2020!
Wellness. Something I could use more of in my life as well. I hope that your current challenges become nothing more than memories soon. Wishing you all the best in 2020 and beyond! Thanks, Ingrid!