Over the past week, I’ve spoken to several stressed, barely treading water, and flat-out exhausted people. They all share a general malaise that isn’t about to disappear overnight.
Maybe you can relate to some of their experiences:
- Taking care of kids during the day while daycare is closed due to COVID and working all night.
- Giving up the things that once made them happy and now living life on a loop, as if on a hamster wheel that never stops.
- Feel like everyone is against them and assume they know the intention behind other’s words and actions.
- Spending so much time working, because they can 24/7 from home, they do little else.
- Frustrated, frazzled, and fatigued makes them want to scream another “f” word at the top of their lungs.
Here’s the scoop: You CAN do something to break the frame and positively change your life. I’m not talking about drastic, omg, who’s life is this anyway kind of change but quick hit, bring it on, feels good to feel good kind of change.
Small Shifts, Big Changes
Here in Australia, during COVID, when there is a case of COVID in the community, most states implement what they call a “circuit breaker.” It’s enough of a swift, radical change to stop the spread.
When you’re sinking deeper and deeper into malaise like it’s quicksand, you too need a circuit breaker.
Nothing on the list takes weeks or months to start. They’re all genuinely things you can do today.
Instead of tackling huge things like changing jobs, writing and publishing a novel, selling your home… think in terms of starting points, not finish lines.
“How can I change my life?” is a question I’ve been asked a lot over the years. The truth is that dramatic, instant life changes are mostly in the movies and on TV. For most people, it’s taking one small action after another that results in a shift over time, not overnight.
Scan the list, see what resonates with you. You’ll know where to begin. Also, remember, making a change in one part of your life creates the space for change in another. Don’t dismiss any right off the bat because many paths lead to where you want to go.
50 Actions to Positively Change Your Life and Personal Leadership
- Make a decision and take action. (I’m selling my house!)
- Stop doing things that you hate to do that you don’t have to do.
- Delegate.
- Quit making excuses.
- Exercise.
- Reconnect with an old friend. (Text, email, phone… up to you.)
- Start a Coursera class.
- Journal.
- Write your resume and get clear on not only your skills but accomplishments.
- Get a planner and use it.
- Tell someone you trust your Big Scary Goal and ask them to check in with you regularly.
- Meditate.
- Be present where your body is physically present.
- Go to the local animal shelter and adopt a pet.
- Do/watch something that makes you laugh and laugh and laugh.
- Tell someone how much you love them.
- Read a book.
- Get one thing from your to-do list done that you’ve been putting off.
- Blog.
- List three things you can do to make your dream a reality. Now pick one and do it…
- Hug it out.
- Forgive yourself for messing up, get up, brush yourself off, and move on.
- Send a surprise to someone to let them know you see them and they matter.
- Engage in conversation on social media instead of lurking.
- Read the news to understand current events beyond COVID.
- Go to multiple news sources across the political spectrum.
- Escape the echo chamber where it’s super comfortable because everyone thinks and believes the same things as you. You know where it echoes the loudest.
- Listen to the “other side” (It does not mean you have to agree)
- Dare yourself to do one thing that makes you uncomfortable, but you want to do. (This means doing it btw.)
- Take a few deep breaths before letting your stress boil over and hurting others with your nasty words.
- Take a nap.
- Go to sleep at a time that enables you to get a solid eight hours sleep tonight.
- Say “I’m sorry” when you’re sorry. Don’t assume they know.
- Take responsibility for your bad behavior and your good choices too.
- Clean up a mess in your space. Reducing physical clutter reduces mental clutter too.
- Accept that you can’t make choices for anyone but you.
- Give unconditional love even when you know who makes choices that you wish they didn’t.
- When you see someone who needs help, offer to help.
- Don’t be hurt if your offer to help is declined.
- Know that piece of clothing you hang onto that’s uncomfortable or itchy? Get rid of it.
- Cuddle with an animal and let go of the thoughts that are dragging you down, even if it’s only for five minutes. Let yourself be present and feel the love.
- Write a gratitude list.
- Purge your closet.
- Donate to a cause that inspires you to support others who are doing great work in the world. (Hello, Mitzvah Circle, I’m looking at you and the remarkable work you do.)
- Do the self-care thing in the way that’s best for you. Bath? Run? Music? Do it.
- Ignore the little things that don’t matter, like your kid’s messy rooms. Here’s a tip: Shut the door.
- Ask for help when you need it.
- Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can do today.
- Help yourself.
- Don’t forget to continue to dream and set goals for your future even when you’re busy today. One step, one day at a time!
Here’s the key – do something, anything. When I hear “everything sucks,” I remind the person that’s their perspective talking, not reality. Shift and shake that perspective and notice that by taking small actions, you can change your experience.
What one action will you take today?
Love the circuit breaker image and resetting. It’s like a restart with the computer or phone and since we humans are operating systems, albeit organic as opposed to mechanical, a restart is a good idea. Your list of 50 positive actions is superb and if I had to choose just one for today, it would be # 44, donating to a cause I believe in.
I’m not limited to one and I’m keeping your list as a ready reference for more in the days to come. How about one a day for the next 30-50 days? Thanks, Alli!
I loved your post Alli! Small steps have always been my mantra when it comes to change. I love your #18- work on something from my to do list that I have been putting off. I think I am going to work on my post-covid marketing plan. It was all in place and so much is now different.
Will definitely share!
What a great list, Alli! Each and every one of them hit home for me. If I had to pick one that I think has the longest shelf-life, I’d pick #34: “Take responsibility for your bad behavior and your good choices too.” Once we decide to do this, other choices will fall into place. Great job!