The sky is so blue today. There are few clouds, and it’s warm, verging on hot. A little breeze is blowing, and it seems like the kind of day to take it slow, relax with friends and family, and enjoy the moment. Then, like a freight train, the truth comes roaring through – COVID-19. This isn’t a day to while away the hours without worry, we’re all sitting at home, worrying.
I’m worried about my father, a doctor who goes to the hospital daily in NYC. My brother comes to mind daily, whose office was closed because someone was positively diagnosed and is now at home with his pregnant wife. Like so many people around the world, they’re trying to work and care for their young son. And I worry about my other siblings and their children and my friends spread across the country and the world. I’m worried about all of them. Today, I don’t personally know anyone who’s been diagnosed or anyone who’s in the throes of the illness or worse, died. I wonder how many weeks it will be before we all know someone. More than one someone.
Worry isn’t changing anything except for my blood pressure, which I’m sure is rising.
Looking out my window this morning at the beautiful day, an enormous spider took over my field of vision, and I couldn’t focus on anything else. This spider would usually only show up in nightmares and was definitely not the kind that you gently shoo into a cup to release back into the wild. This spider would laugh if you even tried. There was the blue-sky day marred by the spider of horrific proportions like our lives and COVID-19.
The World is Obsessed with CAN’T
The one thing the world is focused on besides obsessively reading the news is all the things we CAN’T do. We can’t go to restaurants, the gym, or the movies. Nearly half the world’s children CAN’T go to their schools or have playdates with their friends. In many parts of the world, we also CAN’T leave our homes.
So what CAN you do? What simple, powerful, and positive things are in your control?
Change your perspective
In Judaism, there is something called a mitzvah – a good deed. What if staying home wasn’t a hardship (yes, it can still be rough) but a mitzvah? By staying home, you are helping your family stay healthy and the community too. Grandparents, people with chronic conditions and who are immunocompromised will all benefit from your commitment to staying home as much as possible. You save on gas and contribute to saving lives at the same time. Talk about a win-win.
Reach out
Reach out to friends old and new on the phone, FaceTime, email, and any other virtual way you can. You may be alone in your home, but you don’t have to isolate yourself from connection with others. People need connection – reach out and invite it instead of waiting. There is someone you know who is struggling and needs to hear from you.
Learn something daily
It doesn’t have to be fancy or smart or life-changing, just new to you. One thing that was new to me today? Netflix Party. Did you know you could watch a Netflix movie with friends while staying in your own home? Well, you can! Maybe what I learn tomorrow will be a little deeper or perhaps a simple, time-saving tip, but why not rack up the learning instead of judging what’s worthy and tossing the rest?
Remember your mental health
This is the most challenging time for our world that most of us have lived through. A little self-care goes a long way. Take early morning or evening walks, read a book, meditate, cook something delicious, exercise, or whatever is going to help you. There is no one size fits all. Whatever you choose, don’t do it with loads of other people and do it because it makes you feel good.
Embrace the best of gamer life
My son is a gamer, and he has an online posse. They talk on discord daily and often go on shared missions. You can cultivate your online posse too. Don’t fall into a black hole on FB, reading post after post about the coronavirus, comment on each one, and suck up all of your time. Instead, you can and should collaborate despite physical distance. Set missions and tackle them together; it feels amazing.
Support Local
If things are still open where you live, support them. Can’t go to a restaurant? You can buy a gift card to use later. Can’t go anywhere? Commit to supporting local when the outbreak is behind us. Yes, Amazon can have whatever you need on your doorstep while you blink but the store in town? They may have what you need too. When you can do it again, support the heck out of your local small businesses to help them get back on their feet.
Be Kind
Thank the people who work at your grocery store, and don’t forget your pharmacist. People working hard to serve you while you’re safe at home. Speaking of which, while you’re there, try not to be critical of the people who you don’t usually spend all day with because they’re driving you nuts. Here’s the thing: You can choose kindness no matter what.
Remember people are listening
You’re stressed, can’t believe the latest news updates. I’m right there with you. Your kids are listening. Not to mention the people at the grocery store, strangers you pass while venting into your cell phone in the store parking lot, they are all listening. Stress and negativity are contagious, and so are positivity and hope.
Help a neighbor
Some people can’t get to the store. Maybe they have a disability, or they’re high risk so they can’t leave their house at all. The same goes for people who are currently ill and others in self-quarantine. If you’re going to the store or even getting a delivery, put the word out that you can pick up for your neighbors too. Get their list emailed to you and drop it on their doorstep; no contact required. A friend of mine posted on FB that she and her children were ready to help. People she knows and those she does not, it doesn’t matter. She asked anyone who needs her to get in touch. That’s all they have to do. You and I can do that too.
Share your TP
Where most of us live, at least some shelves are bare (especially the ones where we usually have TP). At my store today, there were empty shelves in almost every category. We have strict buying limits in place now in all of the national chains. I was lucky, and I stocked up before the restrictions were put in place. My child’s teacher couldn’t run to the store during the day, or the doctors and nurses caring for patients at the hospital, and now they’re left with dregs. When you have enough, leave some for others so everyone can have enough. If you’re well-stocked, offer to give some to others in your community who need it if you can.
No one knows what the future will bring or when or if COVID-19 will disappear. It’s anyone’s guess when we’ll have a vaccine or even enough testing kits in some regions. Every expert says it’s bad now and going to get worse. Don’t forget that even though that’s true, it’s also true that this will eventually end. Focus on what you CAN do, what’s in your control, and how you choose to respond to those things that are not.
Stop focusing on the spider and let yourself see the blue sky again. That’s what I’m trying to do and hope that you’ll do it too. It’s the best we can do.
If anyone wants to talk, vent, brainstorm, laugh, cry, or anything in between, I’m here for you – not as a coach but as another human. We don’t have to know each other, and you don’t have to hire me, there’s no sample session or hidden agenda. If you want to, let’s talk.
Alli, your post is just what I needed this morning! It is so true that we tend to be focused on what we can’t do. I have tried to catch up with many friends, colleagues, customers and family members. Staying in touch can be so healing. I highly recommend it. Also, I love your idea of staying home as a Mitzvah. Yes! It absolutely is!
Stay well and can’t wait to connect! Terri
Staying in touch matters for our mental health, collaboration, and connection in this time of self-isolation. I’m so grateful that I’ll get to see your face on my phone later this week.
Hi Alli,
You have a thoughtful list here. The points about negativity being contagious and also taking care of your own mental health are so important.
Kindness goes along way and is very tangible. Reaching out to help, while still being physically distant, helps more than many people think. Sharing what you have, offering to help, … all of the basic human gestures that are timeless … now once again show up as essential for living.
Perhaps after this plague passes, this world will be back in touch with their humanity more than ever before.
Warmest thanks for this post,
People skills are essential but truly at this moment, we all need to keep them top of mind. Everyone is stressed and fear is the dominant emotion for so many. I’ve heard people berating salespeople who are doing their best. They even have a sign up at our local pharmacy asking people to be kind and treat their employees with respect.
I do hope that humanity does come first for a long time to come. To go through all of this and have that sentiment fizzle in weeks would be a disappointment.
Great shift from negative “can’t” to positive “can” with your usual insights, understanding and compassion. Thanks.\!
It’s up to each of us to continue to do what we can with what we have where we are. Not sure who gets the quote credit for that, not me.
Here for you too, if you want to make a connection the other direction.
Thanks, Gary. I appreciate your offer too. I know I’ve been hearing from friends I haven’t heard from in a while who are going a little crazy trying to work and homeschool their children. This is a difficult time but what we do know is that at some point it will end and we can begin to find our new normal.
Wonderful post Alli. You have just helped me re-focus after another anxiety inducing round of news. I’m currently making roast vegetable soup for my elderly mother who has dementia and insists on living alone. I’ll deliver it to her this afternoon. My sisters have been shopping for her regularly, I’ve been managing her medical appointments and liaising with her doctors and carers, and we’ve been sorting out how to manage this during the pandemic.
I think the other way of looking at this, especially after our summer bushfires poured so much smoke and CO2 into the air, is that our beautiful planet is being given a chance to breathe. The shutdown of factories, reduction in air and road traffic has suddenly reduced CO2 emissions like never before. Yes, it’s distressing for everyone, and is going to be the greatest challenge we have ever faced as a world community, but we will come out the other side of this stronger than ever. Our world will change, and our lives will change, hopefully for the better.
By the way, that’s a good sized huntsman on your fly screen. We get them on the eaves sometimes. They are an important creature to have in your house and garden as they feed on cockroaches and some of the more unpleasant things we don’t want to have around.
When I was a kid my Dad used to pick them up in his handkerchief and put them outside. Occasionally he would chase us around the house with it. I didn’t learn until recently that he always put the spider outside before he chased us with the handkerchief!
Take care, stay well.
Believe it or not, it’s not a huntsman! We get them too! This one has different markings and thinner legs. I almost wish it was a huntsman… almost. I don’t too so well when they’re around despite knowing they’re harmless. I also wish I could have gotten a better picture of it. Now I’m freaked out because it has disappeared where it was for a few days stuck between the glass and the screen. It will show up again in a few days time. It’s been visiting on and off for a couple of weeks.
As for your first comment, thank you for the wonderful reminder that even from the bad there can come some good. We should be grateful our planet has a break. Yet another reason to stay home. I hope that your mother is doing well and she’s fortunate to have you and your sisters nearby to help. We’re still waiting to see what happens here in the Red Centre. I find it hard to believe it won’t make it here eventually. Be well, Ingrid!
hello alli
thanks for sharing your observations with us all
i hope your family are all doing ok?!
thank you for the article
may the uncertain times create awakened awareness
may we continue to keep our hearts open + light
ta ~_~
Beautiful, shayz. May that awakened awareness linger long past our memory of this time in our shared history.
With gratitude,
This is such a beautiful and heartfelt collection of “Cans.” Thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Karin! Thanks for the reminder we CAN and should connect with old friends too. So excited to speak with you and others tomorrow!
Thank you for sharing wisdom that calms and advice that makes a positive difference. Please be safe.
Blessings, BN
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment too, Bernie. I appreciate it. Be well!