In early 2009, I went on a journey to become a certified coach. It always bothered me when people hung up a shingle to sell their coaching services with no training at all, and I believe training and …
Why Believe in Your Gifts Even When Others Don’t?
My son refused to go to school this morning. Yes, I could have dragged him to the car without his shoes and uniform while he screamed and cried, but that seemed like a no-win start to the day. …
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10 Must-Ask Questions Before You Quit Your Biz
Whether you have a small business, work inside of a corporation, or are retired and starting round two, chances are you’ve struggled to feel successful at one point or another. Maybe your big ideas …
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Leaders: Don’t Fail Because You Fail to Reimagine
When I picked up the phone, I heard the strain in her voice. “I hate to ask, can you watch Matt? It’s my back. The PT is going to squeeze me in if I can get there in 20 minutes." …
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Get Over the Hype – 5 Reasons the Comfort Zone Isn’t Your Enemy
Seems like everyone and their grandmother writes about why you need to break out of your comfort zone. Heck, I’ve written about it more than a time or two. It’s as if there is a cult of personal …
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Four Sentences to Amp up Your Personal Leadership
The grocery store was packed, and every single shopper was miserable. Aisles were slow going, favorite brands were sold out and the checkout lines looked like they were miles long. It was a scene …
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