A part of looking back on my year means understanding which posts resonated the most with my readers over the past 12 months. A few themes quickly emerged among the Break the Frame Top 10: Change, Personal Leadership and living a full life NOW while creating professional success.
It also turns out that my most visited posts of 2014 were not all written this calendar year. On the list below, there are definitely some oldies but goodies that have become some of the most popular on the Break the Frame site.
Instead of looking at social shares or comments to come up with the Break the Frame Top 10, my oh-so-scientific approach was to simply look at Google Analytics to see which ones had the most unique hits. I’ve also included a bonus 11th that is a favorite of mine.
I’m celebrating that I’ve added value to many thousands of readers each month – thank you!
Here’s to a year ahead filled with growth, challenge, a full life and tons of success!
In case you missed them the first time around, here ya go!
Break the Frame Top 10:
1. Want Someone to Change? You Go First
Telling someone to change rarely makes it happen – that’s because change comes from something deeper than a directive from above. This post also shares one of my favorite stories of all time that shows the power of what happens when you invite change in your own life and invite others to join you.
2. What is Your Leadership Start – Stop – Continue
How can you break the frame of the excuses you’ve invented about why others are holding you back or now’s not the right time? Here’s a Start-Stop-Continue to truly lead your life with passion and purpose.
3. How Can I Stop Being Afraid to Rock the Boat?
This is a question that most people ask at one time or another. Here are six must-dos to help you rock the boat when it matters most. There’s also a quick and powerful exercise for you to identify your inner thoughts on speaking out vs staying silent.
4. Life is Short – Live it Now
I share a personal moment with my son that served as a reminder that we don’t have forever. I ask you: Are you embracing your excuses or creating the life you want with intention and determination?
5. Leaders Build Bridges Not Walls
Enough telling yourself that some people aren’t worth the time of day. After all, they’re “those people” who just get in your way and make everything hard. Today’s the day for a shift… seeing people for who they are… human just like you.
6. Five Words to Set the Tone for Your Life and Leadership
Words are truly powerful and when we use them as our filter, or overlay, they can help us to experience the world in meaningful ways and guide us from our smallest choices to our biggest leaps. Do you have a word to set the tone for your new year?
7. 10 Ways to Find More Time (or at least use what you’ve got to the max)
Does time feel like sand slipping through an hourglass? Here are 10 things you can start doing right now to get in control of your time and stop having it be your enemy.
8. How Can Parents Inspire Leadership?
Parents are role models for their kids as they become future leaders. This post also has a link to a robust ebook (free!) called the Parent’s Guide to Leadership that I co-wrote with Karin Hurt of Let’s Grow Leaders. We’re looking forward publishing a children’s picture book together in 2015 called “I’m Not a Leader.”
9. Leadership Challenge – Responsibility Without Authority
What can you do when you’re assigned a task, but don’t really have the authority to get it done? Here are six ways to reframe the situation, find a fresh perspective and new avenues for action.
10. Change: When Life Feels Like a Broken Record
Are you starting the new year with the same big dreams as last year? Have you stopped having faith that you’ll ever make them a dream come true? Don’t let life become a broken record, find a new soundtrack to get unstuck.
Alli’s Fave:
11. Why Be Creative? 10 Reasons to Make the Leap
In November I wrote a novel thanks to NaNoWriMo and a refusal to buy into my many excuses why it would never happen. I plan to publish it in 2015, but writing for 30 days in a row gave me a creative spark that was undeniable. In this post, I share with you 10 great reasons why you should make a creative leap too.
Thanks for a great year and I look forward to what’s yet to come!
I’d be honored to work with you in 2015 to create a future that honors your quest for a full life and professional success. To jump start your success, start out the year by letting go of what’s holding you back – choose to move and get unstuck!
Truly some great posts! Thank you Alli for your leadership & your courage to share great moments! Happy New Year!
Thank you, Joy! Was fun to look back and reread and reconnect. Look forward to more connection with you in 2015!
Your posts are so inspirational Alli, and I thank you for sharing your perspectives with us!
Here’s to another year ahead of love, learning and growing!
Happy New Year Alli to you and your beautiful family!
Love, learning and growing? I’m with you all the way!
Thank you for being such an incredible part of my journey, Terri! Great things are yet to come 🙂
Alli, thank you for providing great thoughts and ideas throughout 2014. I look forward to seeing what 2015 will bring.
Best regards,
I too am looking forward to what 2015 will bring! Lots of thoughts swirling and looking forward to the focus, clarity and peace that is about to emerge.
All the best to you, Carl!
Alli, I look forward to each post from you. Thanks for this list of you ten selections. I hope everyone has gained so much from your online course as I have. Happy New Years to you and yours!!!
One of the joys of 2015 has been connecting with you. I learn a lot from you when you share your experience. Very grateful. Look forward to more in 2015!
Alli, I could spend hours replying to this wonderful compilation post of yours — but I promise I won’t. 🙂
I simply want to say that these 10 points are both a road map and a support bar for anyone who wants success.
I would add a reply to #3 about how to move past fear:
“Replace fear with wonder. It will transform your life.” Also when you pose what if questions (that’s the wonder part), it allows everyone to journey with you without having to give a definitive yes at the start.
Two Words to Enable Change & Innovation:
Happy New Year to you and bravo on this wonderful post!
What if are two magical words I LOVE! Many thanks to you for your connection and inspiration, Kate!
Wonderful list of posts that reflect another great year of wisdom Alli!
Here’s to a brand new year of learning and success! xo
Learning from you in 2014 has been incredible, Samantha. You are one of the rare people who are unafraid to share even your deepest truth in service of shared learning. I appreciate you a ton. So glad you’re in my life!
I appreciate you too Alli. xo
As you can probably tell, I don’t (or no longer believe) that being a good leader means that we have to pretend that we’re already perfect when that couldn’t be further from the truth.
When it come to leadership, I tend to look at it this way: if people want or need followers who will be forever dependent on them? Work on pretending to be perfect.
If we want to create interdependent leaders? We learn to get honest about our own humanity, including our strengths and weaknesses.
Naturally, that also involves a whole ton of OTHER things like ‘tact’, and timing etc. And as we do with the rest, we can all learn it over time.
And I love learning with YOU! xo
Amen, Sista!!
Hi Alli
What can I say! You rock! ‘Nuff said!
Thanks for all the illumination, inspiration and support in 2014!
Have a Happy, Healthy and Successful New Year – you particularly deserve it!
Kind regards
Big year ahead for energized leaders, that’s for sure! No matter how busy you are you somehow always manage to make time for people near and far. Wishing you a year filled with success, happiness and tons of happiness!
I loved all these posts. It’s so much fun to see what bubbles, up. I look forward to our continued journey of supporting parents in their quest to develop leadership in their children. Namaste.
It’s totally fun to see what resonated most with people over the past 12 months. Helps me get inspired for the year ahead too!
Here’s to “I’m Not a Leader” becoming a catalyst for the leadership conversation for next generation.
Looking forward to another series of inspirational posts in 2015. Your writing is amazing and your topics are real life. The combination is outstanding.
Happy New Year.
Been inspired by you, Tom! So glad we’ve made a connection. I’m looking your way 🙂
Hi there Alli,
Thank you for putting this list together and sharing it with us. I was reading through the comments and you are quite an inspriation.
Looking forward to your posts in 2015! Wishing you and your family a prosperous new year with love peace and blessings!
Thanks for your kind comment, Corina! Hope your new year is all that you want it to be. Look forward to more connection with you too – love your wonderful blog!
Hey Alli!
What an awesome list of inspirations! I haven’t been following your site for long but by the look of your fans and their comments, you’re definitely one I’d turn to for inspiration. I’m bookmarking this page so I can go back and read each post later on.
Happy Monday!
Thanks a ton, Bren! Been following you too and absolutely love your new site! Here’s to an absolutely fantastic 2015!