I love this time of the year; the Holidays. Living in Australia, there is no rule that you wait until after Halloween to get into the Christmas spirit and decorations hit the stores in early October. Even in the summer heat, I can tell it’s the holiday season from the beautiful decorations, lights and most of all that people seem to be friendlier, happier, and certainly more patient. It’s a beautiful time when charitable donations are up and love and gratitude fills the air.
Why is it that on January 2nd it all comes to a crashing halt? Even the day after Christmas the beautiful flickering lights from the night before suddenly look tired, ready for a year-long nap, until filled with magic once again. It’s as if the moment Hanukkah menorah’s are packed away, and the neighborhood Christmas lights are turned off for the season, hearts harden a bit to brace for the next 10 -12 months until the wave of caring and generosity strikes again.
Last night, my son woke up in the wee hours when most people are happily snoring and was wondering what he could do to ensure he gets on Santa’s good list. After all, he reminded us, there are only three more sleeps to go. Could he clean up more, argue less, help without being asked, do his reading for an extra five minutes? My advice? Just be good. The next three days aren’t make or break; think 365.
Just Be Good
What if, instead of cramming ourselves not only with food but also love gratitude and good deeds in the last days of the year, we spent the whole entire year being good?
Make gratitude, generosity and good deeds your choice 365 (Click to Tweet)
Make the Leap Action:
Imagine what would happen if every single day you did something to make the world a little better?
- Say please and thank you.
- Ask “How can I help?“
- Close your phone, iPad, laptop etc and cuddle with someone you love.
- Give your time generously.
- Prioritize charitable giving.
- Throw your trash in the bin and pick up someone else’s trash that they left behind.
- Laugh with abandon.
- Invite collaboration.
- Practice gratitude.
- Love other’s enough to tell them the truth.
- Experiment, stretch, try something new.
- Say “YES!” instead of masking your fear of the unknown with “NO.”
- Read the extra five minutes because it’s a gift to yourself, not because you want to please someone else.
Want to end up on Santa’s annual good list? Make it a sure-thing with a year of goodness. (Click to Tweet)
What will you do starting today? … and keep doing tomorrow… and six months from now…
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Alli, A beautiful list. My favorite, “love others enough to tell them the truth.” Have a wonderful Xmas. Namaste.
Thanks so much, Karin! Hope you enjoy some special family moments this week and all year long!
Great point, Alli! We have 365 days to be good and do good things. We need to keep the spirit of giving and doing good things all year long.
All the best to you this holiday season and, more importantly, in the next, new year ahead! Thank you. Jon
Giving, joy, doing good should be with us a lot longer than two months a year. I’m ready to feel the warmth and love of this season all year long and promise to remind myself of this promise in April… when I’m just as stressed and me-focused as everyone else 🙂
All the best to you too, Jon!
Merry Christmas, Alli. May the spirit of the season bolster you all year long.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas, Joy, and a wonderful year ahead!
Great message, Alli! I think that the fact that we have recurring milestones on the calendar, like Christmas, to remind us to be good. If we cultivate the habit of doing good all year round, then we can stop “cramming” to avoid regrets. Everything on your list really ought to be part of our consciousness every day. Thank you for the reminder! Merry Christmas!
You’re right, Alice. When we get off of our path, it’s the milestones that bring us back and remind us what matters. You use a word that really sums it up – habit. Make it a habit of doing good all year long. I’m going to do my absolute best to try!
Thanks so much! Merry Christmas to you!
I loved the beautiful list, Alli and especially “experiment, stretch and try something new”!
You have been an amazing leader to me in my life and I have learned so much from your generosity and care.
I am most grateful that our paths have crossed in such a profound way.
Happy and Healthy!!!!
Terri –
I appreciate all the support you’ve given me in my own stretch! Meeting you in person this year confirmed what I already knew to be true about you… your warmth, sincerity, experience, caring and passion are all so genuine and present. So lucky to have connected with you! Look forward to much, much more in 2014!
I love your first bullet point: Say please and thank you
When did we lose our way from something so basic that we learned in Kindergarten? Merry Christmas, Alli 🙂
Merry Christmas to you, Bill!
I agree. So funny that when I hear please and thank you it stands out. When did it stop being in vogue to express our gratitude and be polite?
Thank you so much for your comment and connection!
Hi Alli
I loved the post … and the wonderful warm Seasonal Greetings and good wishes for 2014! I’m with Karin Hurt too on the one that says “love others enough to tell them the truth.” Now that would be a great way for more people to be as leaders in 2014!
It has been a real pleasure to develop our relationships this year Alli and I feel privileged to call you my friend! I am sure more exciting times lies ahead for us in 2014!
Have a fabulous Festive Season and I wish you and yours a very Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous New Year!
Kind regards
John 🙂
Connecting with you though Lead with Giants has been a highlight of my year! It’s wonderful to engage in meaningful connection with others that are equally passionate about leadership and making a difference in the lives of others. Very much look forward to discovering what’s next!
Appreciate you, John! Happy Festive Season to you too!
Hi Alli,
came to your blog first time.It would be really nice if we really enjoy the life with others throughout the year as we do on few occassions in a year.Life would be better perhaps that way…
Merry Christmas
Many thanks, Nitesh! Greatly appreciate your comment and that you came by the blog! Welcome 🙂
Enjoying everyday instead of just the special days would truly create so much gratitude and abundance.
Merry Christmas to you!
Very simple yet powerful things we all should do to always be on the good list.
Thank You for sharing.
Welcome to my blog! I greatly appreciate your comment and feedback!
Many thanks,